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Personal Best (Podcast) Episode 2: The Trailblazer

Podcasts rule, I love listening to them, and talking to their hosts. It's always a privilege to gain access to more audiences, and the Personal best podcast has a huge audience! "Personal Best is a show for everyone interested in fitness, health, and wellness. It features interviews with people from across the athletic spectrum from runners, cyclists, and triathletes to climbers, yogis, and masters athletes, to visionaries upending the status quo in their sport and those who’ve devoted their lives to improving the health of others." That sounds like me!!!! =)

 I am honored to have been selected as a guest, and I had a wonderful interview with Bicycling Senior Editor Gloria Liu. Producer Christine Fennessy put it into words better than I ever could! 

"It was an audacious pronouncement, and reaction to it wasn’t universally supportive. But Ayesha credits her family with giving her what she calls a “ridiculous base of confidence.” She loves racing her bike. She thinks it’s crazy that none of the American pros look like her. She knows it’s going to be tough, but she was raised to believe she could be whatever she wanted to be. So she’s going for it.

Ayesha is now a cat 2 racer with several sponsors and a few European races under her belt. She’s also got a day job, currently settling into a new house after recently getting married, and constantly trying to strike the balance between pursuing a dream and having a life.

It’s not easy, and she’s had some setbacks, but as you’ll hear in her conversation with Bicycling senior editor Gloria Liu, Ayesha McGowan has no intention of slowing down."


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