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Help Save Bike Racing at Floyd Bennett Field

Throwback to my first year of racing when my mentor Montgomery made me go test myself at Floyd Bennett Field. I got dropped and finished DFL(dead f*&#king last), it was the best. I couldn't wait to go back and try again. It was always a privilege to jump in, throw bows, and fight against the strong winds with the boys.

"For more than a generation, passionate and committed local athletes have used the runways at Floyd Bennett Field for bicycle races.  Due to this sudden and increase in access fees charged by Aviator and the NPS, dozens of amateur cycling races cannot be held this year. Racing is supported by racers’ entry fees, and they just can’t afford to cover this cost."

Please sign the petition and and do what you can to help save this staple in NYC racing. "We ask that Aviator Sports and the NPS drop the fee increase.  We ask for it because it’s the right thing to do.  The bike races are entirely self-contained and are no drain on park resources.  The bike racers are responsible park users, who have no other place to practice the sport we love."

I was really looking forward to jumping into a few FBF races this summer, I hope we still can!